Hey You, I’ve got a question! Have you considered OUTCALL MASSAGE?

Feeling acrophobic, just don’t want to go outside? Is the weather keeping you locked up in doors? Have you got a target on your head? Are you in hiding? Are you under house arrest? Are you working in the office alone on a Saturday?

If you answered YES to any one of these scenarios then you my friend ought to get yourself an Outcall erotic massage!
Getting an outcall massage appointment is easy. Whether you live in London or you are simply up on business or for leisure; our services cater for everyone.  Getting a mobile massage service resourced from our exclusive Marylebone massage parlour is a privilege that won’t cost the earth. But why take our word for how wonderful this discreet, sexy and downright fun private service is when we have a sea of happy clients who are more than happy to tell you!

That’s right, today we offer you the opportunity to engage with a host of our regular erotic massage clients who will guide you through the process of booking and receiving an outcall massage- so you will be prepared and ready when the time comes for you to book your favourite erotic massage style and your favourite erotic masseuse from our tempting array of girls, for your own personal exclusive mobile outcall massage.

So let’s get started shall we? First up, one of our newly regular clients Craig will tell you a little bit about his journey in to discovering the wonderful world of outcall massage. Craig- Take it away…


Hi My names Craig Bechemel, and I am a Software Developer. Now as glamorous as my job title might sound, in fact I spend a large amount of my time on my own in my office. Now that might be fine, I mean you still interact with people in the office right? Wrong. Since I hit, er, what you could call the ‘big time’, I have worked from my office at home. The only people I see day in day out is my cat scruffy, my cleaner Nelly and the woman from the live chat porn sites I frequent. Not sounding so great now eh? The reason I think I became so inward and stopped going out altogether was because I got used to it. Habit is hard to break and I accidently fell in to a routine that did not involve leaving the house. The major side effects of this were as follow… 1: I felt detached and distant from my friends, 2: how was I supposed to pick up women? 3: I believe internet dating might only be for attractive people and it does not factor in the less attractive gentleman with money. So essentially I became accidently celibate.

Now I know what you are thinking, why didn’t I break the habit, start going outside, socialising, networking with women etc. Well my answer to that is simple: I don’t want to! I’ve worked tirelessly for years so that I can support myself enough to never have to leave the house, but now because I simply can’t just pay for women to come and frequent my estate I can no longer has sex. Well, fortunately, i found a loophole. And that loophole is… erotic massage mobile outcall service.

For next to no cost at all, I can arrange for beautiful Asian masseuses to come to my home and not only fulfil all of my wildest sexual fantasies but they will also deliver me with stellar massage relaxation therapy. Since becoming a regular customer I have gained so many new interests and I feel, in a way learnt a new kind of philosophy. I am now an avid follower of tantra and receive the sacrament of four hands once a month- I feel as though my bones would turn to milk if I got it any more often!

And you might read this and think well that’s not very social of you is it, well you would actually be wrong. Since getting heavily involved in erotic massage I have met a community of likeminded men who also use the same service, we converse online and discuss the masseuses and massage styles. I have never been more popular in my entire life!

Now let’s here from Syed.


Since moving to the UK I have found myself longing for the intimate touch of another. My wife and children are back in my home village and I have come to the big city to begin our new life. We are under agreement that once I secure a fine enough wage my Wife and children will join me. I look forward to this day very much. However this is still a long way off. I am climbing the company ladder but from what I understand from Mr Greenwood, I will not be up for a promotion until I have passed my two year probation. I cannot accept his terms and know that in due course the rewards of my hard work, the fruits of my labour will flourish and I will be rewarded. Until then, however I need to make more short term arrangements. This is what I surmised and what first led me to discover erotic massage.

You see I had tried to have girlfriends but this complicated things for me emotionally. I found that either the girlfriend would become too attached to me or vis versa- I could not allow this to grow for the sake of my marriage. This is when a friend told me about erotic massage. But you see what I missed and what I longed for was companionship, intimacy. Not a cheeky afternoon in a massage parlour.

This is why outcall massage suits me so well. The service I use is so efficient and simple and the prices are very reasonable. Whenever I am feeling lonely to the point of depression I arrange for a beautiful massage to arrive at my door. The beautiful masseuse, with no strings attached will slowly and sensually massage my quivering naked skin and ease all of the tensions from my body.

It’s a feeling of letting go and coming back. I don’t think I could feel as relaxed as I do when I am getting a outcall massage service in the comfort of my home. Nothing beats it.

So if you want to book an outcall massage with one of our beautiful, discreet, professionally trained erotic masseuses simply book through email or over the phone and we can have a masseuse with you in 30 minutes!

Call 0782368003