The Christmas trees have come down, the parties have stopped and the once merry smiles have turned into glum looks on everyone’s faces. This only means one thing, January is upon us. While it’s the long nights, short days and the burden of having to go back to work makes it easy to be stricken with the January blues, we need to beat it. Here we have enlisted the best ways to nurse your January blues.
Join the gym
It’s a fact we all put weight on at Christmas, second-helpings of Turkey and over-indulging on mince pies is certainly going to give you a few extra pounds. However, joining the gym not only burns your Christmas calories but also triggers positive thoughts, which erases your horrible January blues. And there’s science behind this too – exercise triggers the rush of Oxytocin and Endorphins which are often nicknamed as the ‘happy hormones’ as they lift the individuals mood. They also allows your body and mind to feel refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on whatever life throws at you. A bonus tip is to start exercising a few days before your due back at work as it has proven to be the best ingredient for easing you back into the cold, early morning get ups.

Aim to have eight hours sleep
During the festive season it’s perfectly normal for us to be deprived of a good night’s sleep. The kids waking up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning and late night partying can make sleep feel like a thing of the past. However, doctors suggest that catching up on all of our lost sleep is vital to beat our post-Christmas lows. Getting eight hour sleep is important for good oxygen and blood circulation, which keeps the heart healthy – in turn this boosts the amount of serotonin in your body. Serotonin boosts your energy levels, which make you ready to tackle the miseries of January.

Go for a walk
There’s nothing more refreshing than going on a long walk with the dogs and what better time to do this than January. The dark winter nights have proven to provoke our dull January moods, so it’s important we make use of the lighter hours. Our body and mind loves sun-light beating on our faces, as it not only makes us happy – but also helps us relax and erases all of our stresses. If you struggle to find time for a walk, then nipping out for a quick wonder around the shops on your lunchbreak will work all the same.

Book a sunny getaway
If the miserable ice-cold weather gets you down after the Christmas break, then there’s no better way to uplift your mood than having something to look forward too. And what more do we look forward to than a sunny holiday? This is enough to fill your day-to-day lives with a sense of excitement, thrill and joy – rather than being down in the dumps with January blues. The best news is that holidays are at the cheapest in January, so whether you fancy some stunning winter sun in Portugal or some exotic temperatures in Barbados get it booked today. We know we will!

5. Make realistic News Years resolutions
While becoming a millionaire would be insanely fantastic, making it one of your News Year’s resolutions might be a little out of reach and lead to one thing, disappointment. Studies have shown that most people who have happier Januarys have honoured their New Year’s resolutions. Therefore, do make sure you make realistic ones – such as making more time for family, cutting down on alcohol or even booking a Tantric massage?

6. Book a Tantric massage
And finally, book a Tantric massage! So it maybe a little out of box, but Tantric massage boasts the perfect remedy for beating ALL of your January blues. Not only does it feel insanely euphoric (and feeds your naughtiest of cravings) Science also proves it to be fabulous for lifting our low moods. The Oriental bodywork attends to every area of your body (including your erogenous zones) which massages out all of your stresses and replenishes them with Oxytocin, Seretonin and Endorphin hormones which are guaranteed to make you the happiest person you can be.

Be sure to follow our simple steps to nurse your winter blues into the best January of your life. Thank us later, boys!